Cell-C has zero-rated these tertiary education sites...In an effort to assist teachers and students with e-learning during the COVID-19 nationwide lockdown, Cell C has zero-rated a number of tertiary education sites on its network.
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Cell-C has zero-rated these tertiary education sites...In an effort to assist teachers and students with e-learning during the COVID-19 nationwide lockdown, Cell C has zero-rated a number of tertiary education sites on its network.
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A counselling career in a post-Covid-19 worldThe rigours of day-to-day life under the Covid-19 lockdown have certainly highlighted the importance of our mental well-being, both in our own homes and remote work teams, as well as in our communities and the country at large.
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Get ready for the challenge of combining work and studyFinding the time (and budget) to study is a challenge for most working people and busy entrepreneurs. It often means that reaching your full personal and business potential have to take a back seat. We offer some pointers on how to tackle this challenge.
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