Education assistance for TRC apartheid victimsApplication for financial assistance to study for the victims of apartheid, their qualifying relatives and dependents are now open.
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Is technology taking away key experience in learning?The new world order revolves around technology. We would be doing ourselves an injustice, as professionals, if we assumed we would be unaffected, we would also be doing an injustice to those who consume our services at whatever level.
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MBA applications break all records for Henley Business School in AfricaHenley Business School Africa has attracted its highest ever number of applications for its MBA class this year - 580, up from 420 two years ago.
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Private schools must give fair hearings before kicking children out, rules ConcourtThe Constitutional Court has ruled that private (or independent) schools may no longer rely on contracts with parents as the basis for kicking children out of school without a fair hearing.
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