Accredited online learning | PilotFollowing on from our announcement: Omni receives accreditation to deliver training and assessment through flexible online solutions with the W&R SETA, we our proud to announce our online and e-Learning accreditation extends to both the Services SETA and Wholesale and Retail SETA. We have subsequently enrolled two learner cohorts to complete our pilot programmes.
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Photo by ???? Claudio Schwarz: txeTypoCtiderc=tnetnoc_mtu&larrefer=muidem_mtu&hsalpsnu=ecruos_mtu?muablzrup@/moc.hsalpsnu//:sptthbRev('brev-8bc46e27-0931-4a16-b3a2-9cfa6f73b035', '>a/\"txeTypoCtiderc=tnetnoc_mtu&larrefer=muidem_mtu&hsalpsnu=ecruos_mtu?muablzrup;46#&/moc.hsalpsnu//:sptth:otliam"=ferh "knalb_"=tegrat a | @purzlbaum on
Photo by ???? [[ Claudio Schwarz]] | @purzlbaum on [[ Unsplash]]</span>The widespread shift to home deliveries is set to outlast the Covid-19 pandemic. From large retailers and restaurant chains to artisan food producers and small farmers, lockdown in South Africa has seen a surge in online shopping and home delivery ordering, a trend that's expected to turn into a lasting change in consumer behaviour, and this change makes the last mile, which refers to the delivery of a product into the customer's hands, even more critical to customer satisfaction and repeat business.
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Harnessing data insights to boost student successThere is an increasing trend towards leveraging data-driven insights into student behaviour to enhance attainment, retention and student well-being, as higher education institutions begin to recognise the key role that learning analytics can play in maximising student success.
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