New claims and questions from City Press journalistThe latest enquiries from the City Press journalist regrettably seeks once more to elevate anonymous emails beyond their merit. For the record, the use of anonymous emails to create innuendo, to make false claims and to defame have been standard practice at Vaal University of Technology. Competing factions with their shifting coalitions and relationship to power and decision making, regularly use anonymous emails, social media and, on the face of it, agreeable journalists to serve their nefarious purposes.
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Women in Business Conference set to break new ground in 2020For the first time in its 21-year history, the UCT Graduate School of Business' popular annual Women in Business Conference, focused on addressing inclusion, access, and equality in the workplace, will take place online. And organisers are hoping to reach record numbers to raise funds for a bursary to enable future generations of women to study at the school.
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Parents, do your homework when it comes to e-learning programmesGiving your child(ren) free rein when it comes to an app store can be dangerous - especially because you don't know what content they'll be exposed to. Similarly, giving your child the same freedom to choose content on educational e-learning programmes is a big no-no, because it's like taking them to their favourite takeaway and expecting them to select a salad.
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Herd solidarity: A vaccine for the shadow pandemic of gender-based violenceThis Women's Month, the focus regrettably but rightfully falls on gender-based violence during lockdown. But unlike Covid-19, the GBV pandemic already has an effective treatment against it. And our schools and institutions of higher learning have a vital role to play in administering it.
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Herd solidarity: A vaccine for the shadow pandemic of gender-based violenceThis Women's Month, the focus regrettably but rightfully falls on gender-based violence during lockdown. But unlike Covid-19, the GBV pandemic already has an effective treatment against it. And our schools and institutions of higher learning have a vital role to play in administering it.
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