Kumeshnee West</span>Around the globe, companies are facing a reckoning - particularly when it comes to female representation at executive management level. South Africa is no exception. A 2019 report by PWC, for example, found that just 3.31% of chief executives of JSE-listed companies are women, with none present in the JSE top 40.
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Basic Education Minister Angie Motshekga has launched 'Woza Matrics', a free-to-air television initiative aimed at supporting the matric learners of 2020 following disruptions caused by Covid-19.
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Promaths by Investec, which provides extra maths and science tuition for learners in previously disadvantaged communities from grades 10 to 12, was first launched in 2005, in partnership with the Kutlwanong Maths, Science and Technology Centre and the Department of Basic Education (DBE). Today, the programme operates a total of 16 centres (eight of these directly funded by Investec) in six provinces, reaching thousands of learners who show potential in these subjects.
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The Department of Public Works and Infrastructure (DPWI) has announced the provision of R66 million to AgriSETA to train 400 Expanded Public Works Programme (EPWP) participants to become artisans.
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PwC and Unicef South Africa recently announced the details of local collaboration that aims to help prepare young South Africans with relevant skills to enter the workforce.
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Henley Business School Africa is calling for nominations for its Hidden Healthcare Heroes scholarship programme, which offers a number of full-fee scholarships, each worth R60,000, for the Higher Certificate in Management Practice HCMP (NQF Level 5) for a limited time.
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Every year, a large number of matriculants from disadvantaged communities exit school with little to no information about how to pursue their studies at institutions of higher learning and other available opportunities due to lack of career guidance at schools.
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Every year, a large number of matriculants from disadvantaged communities exit school with little to no information about how to pursue their studies at institutions of higher learning and other available opportunities due to lack of career guidance at schools.
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Schools may be opening but parents are wary of sending their kids back into the classroom.
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- The role of education in closing South Africa’s digital skills gapJuly 17, 2024 - 10:57 am
-29.188174, 26.376138
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