Dynamic DNA partners with Huawei Cloud on launching digital learning platformSchools may be opening but parents are wary of sending their kids back into the classroom.
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University education is key to preventing future outbreaksA spotlight has been placed on the role of scientific research and the study of viruses and diseases, due to the outbreak of Covid-19.
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University education is key to preventing future outbreaksA spotlight has been placed on the role of scientific research and the study of viruses and diseases, due to the outbreak of Covid-19.
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Two unions from Benin affiliated to Education International have decided to join forces to raise awareness among their members on prevention and protection against COVID-19 and on inclusive education and building the role of union leadership within the context of the pandemic in public sector nursery and primary schools. For them, it is, above all, a question of ensuring social and political dialogue for the revival of education after the reopening of schools in Benin.

Collaborating on purposeMarketing is no longer only about talking to consumers, it is about being part of the conversation. Content partnerships allow organisations to be seen at the centre of new networks and narratives.
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Collaborating on purposeMarketing is no longer only about talking to consumers, it is about being part of the conversation. Content partnerships allow organisations to be seen at the centre of new networks and narratives.
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After a long and devastating conflict in which trade union rights were violated and the existence of the Kenya National Union of Teachers (KNUT) was threatened, the Education Committee of the Parliament of Kenya has proposed a series of steps to resolve the dispute. The proposal is aimed at reversing several of the measures taken by the Teachers’ Service Commission (TSC) and resolving remaining issues through negotiations.

Let's #DoBizZA this SeptemberRecent months of lockdown have seen the importance of supporting locally-made products, services and neighbourhood enterprises in order for economies to survive and thrive.
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Maties strengthens support for studentsStellenbosch University (SU), commonly known as Maties, is providing additional support to undergraduate students to stay on track with their studies and better adapt within the changed context of virtual learning as South Africa continues to grapple with the Covid-19 pandemic.
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