Henley Business School Africa sponsors Bright Spark Foundation soccer kitOn Saturday, 19 September 2020, two teams of young soccer players took to the field to practice their soccer skills in Henley Business School Africa sponsored kit. Soon they hope to be playing a full match against an adult Henley Africa side on the campus itself.
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October - The official start of the 4th quarterWith 90 days to go to the end of 2020, speed and decisiveness are the advantage.
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Higher Education to welcome back all studentsWith the country having moved to Level 1 of the lockdown, the Department of Higher Education is now in a position to welcome back all university students, including international students who are currently outside the borders of South Africa.
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Covid-19 has made inequality worse, researchers findThe Covid-19 pandemic and the nationwide lockdown have deepened inequality, especially in the job market and in education, according to a major survey released on Wednesday, 30 September.
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