Online training on tax and education
Online training on tax and education

NWU research group contributes to international bird studyThe North-West University's (NWU's) research on the genetic data of the nine lovebird species (genus Agapronis) that are native to Africa and Madagascar has been included in a comprehensive international bird study. This research has also led to a patent and the possible commercialisation of a genomic test developed by the NWU that will be of great value to parrot breeders and conservationists.
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NWU research group contributes to international bird studyThe North-West University's (NWU's) research on the genetic data of the nine lovebird species (genus Agapronis) that are native to Africa and Madagascar has been included in a comprehensive international bird study. This research has also led to a patent and the possible commercialisation of a genomic test developed by the NWU that will be of great value to parrot breeders and conservationists.
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ECD: Building blocks for lifelong learningSouth Africa has the goal of universal access to a full range of early childhood development (ECD) services in 10 years' time. To meet this target, we will need more than 100,000 additional early learning teachers and 40,000 new venues for three- to five-year-olds alone, say education experts.
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Business must band together to support infrastructure development and better service deliveryMunicipalities are the most basic units of government. Tasked with providing basic services and fostering development in the regions they control, they have the challenging role of mobilising their economic resources and using them to improve the lives of all citizens by providing basic services necessary for good health, well-being and human dignity. Their role is so vital, in fact, that South Africa municipalities are constitutionally tasked with providing sustainable and effective services to the public. But you only need to look at the myriad of basic service delivery protests that plague our country year in and year out to see that they're failing dismally to meet this mandate.
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2020 PG Bison 1.618 Education Initiative winnerThe winner of the 28th annual PG Bison 1.618 Education Initiative was named at the event's first-ever digital awards gala ceremony yesterday, 11 November 2020. Following an introduction of all the top 10 finalists, the 2020 winner was announced as Armand Barnard, interior design student at Design Time School of Interior Design in Cape Town.
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Support for varsity students to complete academic yearThe Deputy Minister of Higher Education, Science and Innovation, Buti Manamela, says the department has rolled out a multi-model approach to support students to regain lost time and finish the academic year.
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Free online courses offered to unemployed youthMinister of Communications and Digital Technologies, Stella Ndabeni-Abrahams, has called on unemployed youth to take the opportunity to register for free online courses.
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PanSALB welcomes language policy frameworkThe Pan South African Language Board (PanSALB) has welcomed the recently published language policy framework for public higher education institutions in South Africa.
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