DBE, Lego Foundation launch National ECD CensusWith the goal to better understand the early childhood development (ECD) landscape in South Africa, the Lego Foundation in partnership with the Department of Basic Education (DBE) is undertaking a nationwide census of ECD programmes. This will be the first National ECD census that aims to collect data at this scale.
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Introducing Africa's first cannabis academy: Q&A with Cheeba Cannabis Academy co-founder Trenton BirchOne of the latest endeavours to emerge from South Africa's burgeoning cannabis industry is the launch of Cheeba Africa's Cheeba Cannabis Academy, the first learning platform dedicated to cannabis education on the African continent. We chat to CEO and co-founder Trenton Birch for insights into the courses, who they are aimed at and shifting stigmas and combatting misconceptions in the industry...
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Introducing Africa's first cannabis academy: Q&A with Cheeba Cannabis Academy co-founder Trenton BirchOne of the latest endeavours to emerge from South Africa's burgeoning cannabis industry is the launch of Cheeba Africa's Cheeba Cannabis Academy, the first learning platform dedicated to cannabis education on the African continent. We chat to CEO and co-founder Trenton Birch for insights into the courses, who they are aimed at and shifting stigmas and combatting misconceptions in the industry...
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