On 9 December, Education International’s Executive Board adopted a resolution on terrorism in Mozambique and the need for international support and relief for teachers and other victims. The Education International member organisation, the Organizaçao Nacional dos Professores (ONP), has reported the recent assassination of six teachers.
On 9 December, Education International’s Executive Board adopted a resolution on terrorism in Mozambique and the need for international support and relief for teachers and other victims. The Education International member organisation, the Organizaçao Nacional dos Professores (ONP), has reported the recent assassination of six teachers.
Today, 9 December, Education International’s Executive Board has adopted a resolution calling on the Government of Kenya to urge the Teachers Service Commission (TSC), the national employer authority in education, to desist from a campaign of discrimination against the Kenya National Union of Teachers (KNUT). The Government must urge the TSC to respect international conventions, as well as the country’s relevant court decisions and Parliamentary decisions.

Mancosa launches futuristic iTeach Lab for experiential teacher trainingSaid to be the first of its kind in the country, the iTeach Lab has officially been launched by Mancosa School of Education. The lab combines elements of Steam (science, technology, engineering, arts and mathematics) in seven unique hubs designed to prepare and empower student-teachers for the 21st century.
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Mancosa launches futuristic iTeach Lab for experiential teacher trainingSaid to be the first of its kind in the country, the iTeach Lab has officially been launched by Mancosa School of Education. The lab combines elements of Steam (science, technology, engineering, arts and mathematics) in seven unique hubs designed to prepare and empower student-teachers for the 21st century.
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Education International calls upon Kenyan authorities to stop its onslaught on the KNUT
Education International calls upon Kenyan authorities to stop its onslaught on the KNUT

S.Pellegrino announces the launch of its Young Chef AcademyS.Pellegrino has announced the launch of its S.Pellegrino Young Chef Academy, a long-term engagement platform where talented and passionate young chefs can meet the most influential and renowned members of the gastronomy world.
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S.Pellegrino announces the launch of its Young Chef AcademyS.Pellegrino has announced the launch of its S.Pellegrino Young Chef Academy, a long-term engagement platform where talented and passionate young chefs can meet the most influential and renowned members of the gastronomy world.
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Purple is the colour of excellence, but also of remembranceDuring the month of December, the three main gates of the North-West University's campuses in Mahikeng, Potchefstroom and Vanderbijlpark will be illuminated in purple for a specific reason.
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