Shoprite competition to pay school fees for 500 studentsFive hundred learners stand the chance of having their 2021 school fees paid for in Shoprite's annual 'Class Of' competition - now open for entry.
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5 Futurebanker bursaries available for BBA degreeThe 2021 Futurebanker bursary programme has been launched by the Facilitation Workshop and comprises five bursaries for the Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) degree. The programme has been designed to support South Africa's next generation of bankers and wealth creators, with an aim to opening up new career possibilities in the fintech space.
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How blockchain could help the world meet the UN's global goals in higher educationImproving quality of life for people globally means investing in education. By 2025, more than 100 million learners are estimated to be capable of higher education but won't have access to it either because they cannot afford the costs, or because courses aren't available in their region.
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