Parents shut down high schools, demanding places for their childrenOn Monday, parents shut down Bloekombos and Masibambane high schools in Kraaifontein, demanding that their children be accepted. Parents sat next to their unplaced learners outside the school gates.
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Professor Daniel Petzer joints Henley Business School Africa as new head of researchDaniel Petzer is the new head of research at Henley Business School Africa. He has been awarded a full professorship in this role, by the University of Reading, UK. The 49-year-old career academic joined the award-winning business school at the beginning of January 2021, after a highly successful tenure at the University of Pretoria's Gordon Institute of Business Science where he had been professor of marketing, director of research and ultimately deputy dean of the business school.
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Minister to release matric results todayMinister of Basic Education, Angie Motshekga, will announce the results of the National Senior Certificate (NSC) examinations in Pretoria on Monday.
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#BehindtheBrandManager launches on BizcommunityThis month, we invite you to join us as we uncover the heroes behind the brands that millions of South Africans take into their homes and hearts every day. Being acknowledged and appreciated is everything and this April it's the turn of brand managers on Biz.
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