E-learning is here to stay: Here's how to get the most out of itIf ever a single event was to highlight why schools should incorporate e-learning into their learning methodologies, it was Covid-19. Never before have so many contact-teaching schools been forced to introduce digital learning solutions so quickly and so comprehensively. A year later, with the pandemic still very much a part of our lives, it's clear that schools will continue to rely on e-learning - in full or in part - for some time to come.
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E-learning is here to stay: Here's how to get the most out of itIf ever a single event was to highlight why schools should incorporate e-learning into their learning methodologies, it was Covid-19. Never before have so many contact-teaching schools been forced to introduce digital learning solutions so quickly and so comprehensively. A year later, with the pandemic still very much a part of our lives, it's clear that schools will continue to rely on e-learning - in full or in part - for some time to come.
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Western Cape online learner application deadline loomsTime is running out for parents and caregivers who wish to enrol their children for the 2022 school year in the Western Cape.
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Western Cape online learner application deadline loomsTime is running out for parents and caregivers who wish to enrol their children for the 2022 school year in the Western Cape.
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Why upskilling your supply chain is critical for sector growthAccording to Tonya Lamb, business development executive at Sapics, The Professional Body for Supply Chain Management in Southern Africa, when the US President turned his attention to supply chains, it was a compelling confirmation that the profession is important.
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#StartupStory: Proptech platform Reslocate connects students with student accommodationPassionate about uplifting small businesses and bringing about change to the previously disadvantaged, Lucas Tsholofelo Mohaswa saw a gap in the student accommodation market and promptly set to work on Reslocate, the latest local proptech platform to hit the market.
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Christel House opens admissions for first ever Gr RR classAdmissions for the July 2021 intake of Grade RR students are officially open at Christel House South Africa, a non-profit no-fee school based in Ottery, Cape Town. This is the first time in the school's 20-year history that it will be accepting students for Grade RR admission.
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#EcommerceDay2021: Collaboration and building trust will get all industry players further in the gameIn the second episode of our E-commerce Focus geared towards the launch of E-commerce Day on Wednesday, 10 March 2021, we speak to Warrick Kernes, the founder of Insaka eCommerce Academy, a leading e-commerce education platform and community. Kernes tells us a bit more about what led to the launch of Insaka, the ways Covid-19 has caused businesses to pivot offerings, why smaller businesses can capitalise on the e-commerce boom, and he shares tips for launching and running an online store.
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#EcommerceDay2021: Collaboration and building trust will get all industry players further in the gameIn the second episode of our E-commerce Focus geared towards the launch of E-commerce Day on Wednesday, 10 March 2021, we speak to Warrick Kernes, the founder of Insaka eCommerce Academy, a leading e-commerce education platform and community. Kernes tells us a bit more about what led to the launch of Insaka, the ways Covid-19 has caused businesses to pivot offerings, why smaller businesses can capitalise on the e-commerce boom, and he shares tips for launching and running an online store.
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Mancosa to issue forgery-proof blockchain certificatesHigher education institution, Mancosa is introducing a blockchain-based diploma certification service as a way to tackle the scourge of fake qualifications, while protecting its brand reputation.
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