Microsoft to train 20,000 young South Africans in software developmentMicrosoft South Africa has announced a partnership with the Public Service Sector Education, Training Authority (PSETA), and Afrika Tikkun to extend its Global Skilling Initiative that will provide at least 20,000 young people in the country with critical digital skills.
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Lack of formal competency certification costing construction firmsWith training and certification in the construction industry lagging over the last decade, the sector is now scrambling to be able to capitalise on opportunities with large enterprises and state owned entities, says Frans Toua, CEO at specialist construction sector FET college Tjeka Training Matters.
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HSRC study finds winning formula at Christel House SAAccording to a Human Sciences Research Council (HSRC) study conducted late last year, Christel House South Africa enables students from marginalised communities to achieve exceptional academic results and become self-sufficient adults through its holistic education model.
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EI Africa to Convene Migrants and Refugees Forum
EI Africa to Convene Migrants and Refugees Forum

New Motheo Academy launched in Cornubia, KZNThe Motheo Construction Group on Friday, 23 April, launched its latest built environment skills development academy in Cornubia in KwaZulu-Natal. Motheo Academy is a triple accredited skills development solution, operating nationally and is focused on impacting the built environment stakeholders.
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3 Afda 2020 graduation films in race for the OscarAfda is proud to announce the selection of three 2020 graduation films to compete for the most prestigious award on the motion picture calendar - The Student Academy Awards (Oscars).
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On the Cape Verdean Teacher's Day, 23 April, the Federaçao Caboverdiana dos Professores (FECAP) has called for measures to improve the condition of the teaching staff and demanded that educators be put on priority lists for vaccination against COVID-19.