On the Cape Verdean Teacher's Day, 23 April, the Federaçao Caboverdiana dos Professores (FECAP) has called for measures to improve the condition of the teaching staff and demanded that educators be put on priority lists for vaccination against COVID-19.

Western Cape finalises plan for unplaced learnersThe Western Cape Education Department says it is currently implementing a plan to place 2 550 learners that are currently registered as unplaced in the province.
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Being visually impaired does not hold this NWU alumnus and PhD graduate backDisability is not inability. Advocate Jan Tladi confirmed this statement when he defied the odds and became the first completely blind student to graduate with a PhD from the North-West University's (NWU's) Mahikeng Campus. Jan enrolled at the NWU Business School in Mahikeng in 2017, and successfully completed his degree in 2020.
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Sommet Education acquires majority stake of Invictus EducationSwiss-based Sommet Education has announced its acquisition of a majority stake in Invictus Education, alongside Invictus' historical shareholders, as it looks to continue its expansion strategy and consolidate its status as a leading network in hospitality education.
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Aspiring engineers given a lifeline at CUTSouth Africa continues to experience a shortage of skills in the engineering sector. One avenue of funding available to aspiring engineers who are classified among the 'missing middle' is through a partnership between the Ikusasa Student Financial Aid Programme (ISFAP) and the Central University of Technology (CUT).
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Ikateleng helping students get distinctionsSabata Abram Mafobokoane, who was part of the Ikateleng initiative in 2020, made headlines after attaining eight distinctions for his National Senior Certificate. Ikateleng has been in existence for approximately 33 years and provides supplementary teaching in mathematics, economics, business studies, accounting, life sciences, physical sciences and English to high school learners from Grade 10 to Grade 12.
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KZN pupil faces the music for bullyingThe Mahlabathini Magistrates Court in KwaZulu-Natal has slapped a pupil with a community-based sentence of 12 months, after she was convicted of assault with intent to cause grievous bodily harm.
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Simon 'Mabhunu' Sabela Award statue unveiled at Afda DurbanAfda Durban becomes the home of the Simon Sabela Awards.
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Online qualification helps adult learners thrive in workplace trainingAdult learners receiving occupational training at work often aren't properly equipped with the learning fundamentals they need to succeed. Communication in English and mathematical literacy are regular sticking points, and those who aren't sufficiently skilled in these areas are less likely to complete their workplace qualifications and further their careers.
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The link between industrial engineering and the agricultural sectorThe agricultural industry is facing numerous and significant challenges. To remain competitive and sustainable, it needs to find ways to constantly improve.
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