South Africa's higher education funding system can be more realistic without betraying idealsOngoing student protests in South Africa have once again highlighted various problems with higher education funding. They boil down to challenges of affordability and sustainability.
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South Africa's higher education funding system can be more realistic without betraying idealsOngoing student protests in South Africa have once again highlighted various problems with higher education funding. They boil down to challenges of affordability and sustainability.
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Unemployed graduate? Become a mentor for JSE Investment ChallengeThrough its flagship CSI programme, the Investment Challenge, the Johannesburg Stock Exchange (JSE) is giving unemployed graduates the chance to become mentors or catalyst teachers as part of their personal development, while giving back to their communities.
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Unemployed graduate? Become a mentor for JSE Investment ChallengeThrough its flagship CSI programme, the Investment Challenge, the Johannesburg Stock Exchange (JSE) is giving unemployed graduates the chance to become mentors or catalyst teachers as part of their personal development, while giving back to their communities.
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Applications open for 2021 Canon Student Development ProgrammeNow in its fifth consecutive year, the annual Canon Student Development Programme is open for entry. From 1 - 4 September 2021, 250 students from across Europe, Middle East and Africa will be given the opportunity to participate in Canon's bespoke educational programme, designed to enhance students' visual storytelling skills and advance their careers.
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EIRAF Launches Climate Change Network in Southern Africa
EIRAF Launches Climate Change Network in Southern Africa

New scholarship to support doctors' certification in Lifestyle MedicineInfinite Foods, Africa's plant-based food platform, has created a new scholarship programme to help community physicians across the continent to be certified in Lifestyle Medicine. Lifestyle Medicine is the evidence-based practice of incorporating plant-based food, physical activity, positive sleep and destress habits into a patient's life to proactively prevent, treat and reverse chronic disease.
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Photo supplied
Photo supplied</span>A new technology and data sharing collaboration between the Southern African Institute of Welding (SAIW) and the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) will develop the role of welding in the fourth industrial revolution (4IR), and boost the contribution of this scarce skill to rebuilding the South African economy.
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