Trace Academia launches free online vocational training platform in SATrace Academia, a free online vocational training platform built for young South Africans looking to build their skills to find or create jobs, was officially launched in South Africa last week. The launch event also saw the signing of a protocol of cooperation between Trace, Senghor University in Egypt, and Agence Française de Développement (AFD), to create a training programme to develop and support the professionalisation of the creative and cultural sector in Africa.
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Trace Academia launches free online vocational training platform in SATrace Academia, a free online vocational training platform built for young South Africans looking to build their skills to find or create jobs, was officially launched in South Africa last week. The launch event also saw the signing of a protocol of cooperation between Trace, Senghor University in Egypt, and Agence Française de Développement (AFD), to create a training programme to develop and support the professionalisation of the creative and cultural sector in Africa.
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Virtual Platforms Can Empower Unions
Education International Africa Regional Committee members gear to working virtually

Pamsa bursary programme open for applicationsApplications are now open for the 2022/2023 Paper Manufacturers Association of South Africa (Pamsa) Masters of Engineering bursary programme, offering students the opportunity to further their master's studies at participating universities by way of a R260,000 bursary over two years.
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