Red & Yellow prepares youth for an ever-evolving futureOur youth holds the key to unlocking a brighter future for South Africa. They are the leaders of tomorrow that can guide our country to brand-new heights. But they face many obstacles - a rapidly declining economy, outdated education systems, a lack of trusted leadership, and the growing threat of job displacement due to emerging and disruptive technologies.
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Winter school break to now end on 19 JulySchools in South Africa will now reopen on 19 July, a week earlier, Basic Education Minister Angie Motshekga announced.
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Winter school break to now end on 19 JulySchools in South Africa will now reopen on 19 July, a week earlier, Basic Education Minister Angie Motshekga announced.
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ECDs to remain open under Adjusted Alert Level 4While schools and institutions of higher learning are expected to close this week as the part of government's measures to curb the rapid spread of Covid-19 infections in the third wave, early childhood development centres will remain open.
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18 different bursary opportunities for Engineering studentsSA Bursaries has compiled a comprehensive list of bursaries available for Engineering students. The Engineering bursaries have been arranged in ascending order, according to their closing date.
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