Our youth holds the key to unlocking a brighter future for South Africa. They are the leaders of tomorrow that can guide our country to brand-new heights. But they face many obstacles - a rapidly declining economy, outdated education systems, a lack of trusted leadership, and the growing threat of job displacement due to emerging and disruptive technologies.
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Schools in South Africa will now reopen on 19 July, a week earlier, Basic Education Minister Angie Motshekga announced.
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Schools in South Africa will now reopen on 19 July, a week earlier, Basic Education Minister Angie Motshekga announced.
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While schools and institutions of higher learning are expected to close this week as the part of government's measures to curb the rapid spread of Covid-19 infections in the third wave, early childhood development centres will remain open.
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SA Bursaries has compiled a comprehensive list of bursaries available for Engineering students. The Engineering bursaries have been arranged in ascending order, according to their closing date.
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- The role of education in closing South Africa’s digital skills gapJuly 17, 2024 - 10:57 am
-29.188174, 26.376138
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