18 different bursary opportunities for Engineering studentsSA Bursaries has compiled a comprehensive list of bursaries available for Engineering students. The Engineering bursaries have been arranged in ascending order, according to their closing date.
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Education unions in South Africa team up with the Government to campaign for vaccination

Tech should be an enabler for education, not a barrierIt's clear how technology has been a saving grace for many learners during the Covid-19 pandemic in South Africa.
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Western Cape parents urged to finalise school of choiceParents and caregivers who wish to enrol their children for the 2022 school year in the Western Cape have until midnight to confirm their final choice of school.
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Western Cape parents urged to finalise school of choiceParents and caregivers who wish to enrol their children for the 2022 school year in the Western Cape have until midnight to confirm their final choice of school.
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Key areas of focus for youth development and entrepreneurship in AfricaWith the onset of the Covid-19 crisis further catalysing the existing 4th Industrial Revolution (4IR), future of work and global innovation demands, it is critical that businesses, governments and social impact organisations alike 'walk the talk' when it comes to supporting the development and success of young people in Africa.
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#YouthMatters: Shivad Singh, founder and CEO of Head Start EducationAs part of our #YouthMatters series, we chat to Shivad Singh, founder and CEO of Head Start Education.
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Keep the momentum: Surviving your first yearJune 2021. Momentum is the ability to keep going, which is, in essence, what tertiary life should be. The ability to keep your momentum will be the difference between completing your qualification successfully or dropping out.
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Keep the momentum: Surviving your first yearJune 2021. Momentum is the ability to keep going, which is, in essence, what tertiary life should be. The ability to keep your momentum will be the difference between completing your qualification successfully or dropping out.
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Teachers qualify for Covid-19 vaccines, but do they want it?The roll-out of the Covid-19 vaccine for teachers is currently underway, with the Basic Education Minister Angie Motshekga setting a goal to vaccinate 582,000 staff at public and private schools - including support workers and those who work in the Education Department offices - before 8 July.
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