Universities called to verify student information to access laptopsHigher Education and Training Minister, Blade Nzimande, has called on universities to contact the National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS) to ensure they verify their student information so that NSFAS-funded students can receive laptops.
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A bright future awaits VUT graduatesJoy and pride could be seen on the faces of parents and family members as they celebrated the virtual graduation ceremony while their children collected their hard-earned certificates during the two weeks period that commenced on Monday, 7 June 2021, until Friday, 18 June 2021, at the VUT Isak Steyl Sport Stadium. In total 2,618 students graduated from faculties of Engineering and Technology, Applied and Computer Sciences, Human Sciences and Management Sciences.
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Warning: Learnership scamThe Department of Employment and Labour's Public Employment Service (PES) Branch has warned members of the public about the so-called National Youth Service learnership scam doing rounds on social media.
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Flame Studios makes space for rising talentSouth Africa has an abundance of talent and creative minds. Historically, it could be difficult to find a place for this talent to thrive without high expenses being involved.
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