The digital divide: Overcoming barriers to digital learning in post-Covid-19 South AfricaThe worldwide progress in digital education has been exciting to watch, with new advances being made seemingly each week. Following the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic, the reliance on digital learning solutions has undoubtedly increased (Dwolatzky and Harris, 2019). This raises the question as to how well South Africa will be able to address the ever-growing need for digital education solutions post-Covid, in the context of an already struggling education system.
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It's never too late to achieve your matricCompleting your matric is a monumental achievement in any student's life. No matter how much time you've spent preparing for the exams, the night before exam results are released is always nerve-wracking. Great is the relief when you open your results letter to see that you have successfully passed your senior certificate!
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UKZN project to develop isiZulu in universitiesThe University of KwaZulu-Natal has announced the establishment of the Boosting the use of African Languages in Higher Education: A Qualified Organised Nationwide Development Strategy for South Africa (Baqonde) project - a project undertaken in collaboration with universities in South Africa and Europe in response to one of South Africa's national priorities which include the development of African languages in higher education.
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