Africa Teen Geeks 2021 Nelson Mandela Month activities with the Nelson Mandela FoundationAfrica Teen Geeks (ATG) is committed to educating, inspiring and equipping young people with the skills, resources and experience to pursue science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) careers and close the opportunity gap through quality education. Our drive is to eliminate the barriers faced by the disadvantaged communities in pursuing STEM. It gives us great privilege and honour to announce ATG as a strategic partner supporting the Nelson Mandela Foundation on Mandela Day in action against poverty and foundation programmes for education.
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The future of our youth is in education"South Africa has always been shaped by the voices of the youth and on 16 June we were once again reminded of this inspiring force. These voices know that change is as much inevitable as it is important..."
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Why children become bulliesPunishment is the first reaction most people think of when they find out that a child is a bully. They rarely investigate the reason why the child is emotionally, verbally or even physically harming their peers.
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Technology leaders should join the fight against digital inequalityIn the past year, many learners, teachers, and parents experienced firsthand the grave impact of the pandemic on education: school closures caused interrupted learning, and many were not as prepared for homeschooling as others due to lack of access to equipment or the internet. This highlighted the stark reality of the digital divide and the lack of digital equity in South Africa and the very real and urgent need to address it.
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The digital age offers hope for South Africa's youth

There are no boundaries or borders in the digital age. - Karim Rashid, award-winning industrial designer

Despite South Africa's dire youth unemployment rates, the digital age may offer opportunities when it comes to learning new skills, creating new jobs, and enabling young people to reach their full potential.

The Covid-19 pandemic has been devastating on an economic and a personal level, but it has also shown us the possibilities of remote work and highlighted the need to stay digitally relevant in an increasingly competitive market. Across industries, businesses are going digital, making it easier for the youth to access the benefits this unveils - assuming they have the right skills and training to do so.
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