5 digital trends transforming the education sectorThe pandemic caused a rapid shift to digitalisation, most notably in the education sector. Teachers, students and parents had little choice but to get to grips with remote learning via digital platforms.
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Advancing gender equality in the workplace: African Universities Gender Equality Forum - Register now!This Women's Month, the Shared Value Africa Initiative (SVAI) together with the GBV #ITSNOTOK movement and the University of Johannesburg are co-hosting the African Universities Gender Equality Forum to address and explore the role of academia on the Africa continent in advancing gender equality and eradicating gender-based violence (GBV).
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Stellenbosch University prioritises climate crisis with launch of School for Climate StudiesStellenbosch University (SU) launched its School for Climate Studies on Thursday, 29 July - the first school of its kind in the country that has the status of a faculty, highlighting the impetus of its establishment in battling the climate crisis.
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Senegal: SUDES/ESR and Higher Education Unions in Africa Defend Academic Freedom
Ghana: UTAG declares industrial action over stalled negotiations