Why children become bulliesPunishment is the first reaction most people think of when they find out that a child is a bully. They rarely investigate the reason why the child is emotionally, verbally or even physically harming their peers.
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Technology leaders should join the fight against digital inequalityIn the past year, many learners, teachers, and parents experienced firsthand the grave impact of the pandemic on education: school closures caused interrupted learning, and many were not as prepared for homeschooling as others due to lack of access to equipment or the internet. This highlighted the stark reality of the digital divide and the lack of digital equity in South Africa and the very real and urgent need to address it.
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The digital age offers hope for South Africa's youth

There are no boundaries or borders in the digital age. - Karim Rashid, award-winning industrial designer

Despite South Africa's dire youth unemployment rates, the digital age may offer opportunities when it comes to learning new skills, creating new jobs, and enabling young people to reach their full potential.

The Covid-19 pandemic has been devastating on an economic and a personal level, but it has also shown us the possibilities of remote work and highlighted the need to stay digitally relevant in an increasingly competitive market. Across industries, businesses are going digital, making it easier for the youth to access the benefits this unveils - assuming they have the right skills and training to do so.
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The digital divide: Overcoming barriers to digital learning in post-Covid-19 South AfricaThe worldwide progress in digital education has been exciting to watch, with new advances being made seemingly each week. Following the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic, the reliance on digital learning solutions has undoubtedly increased (Dwolatzky and Harris, 2019). This raises the question as to how well South Africa will be able to address the ever-growing need for digital education solutions post-Covid, in the context of an already struggling education system.
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It's never too late to achieve your matricCompleting your matric is a monumental achievement in any student's life. No matter how much time you've spent preparing for the exams, the night before exam results are released is always nerve-wracking. Great is the relief when you open your results letter to see that you have successfully passed your senior certificate!
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UKZN project to develop isiZulu in universitiesThe University of KwaZulu-Natal has announced the establishment of the Boosting the use of African Languages in Higher Education: A Qualified Organised Nationwide Development Strategy for South Africa (Baqonde) project - a project undertaken in collaboration with universities in South Africa and Europe in response to one of South Africa's national priorities which include the development of African languages in higher education.
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5 business benefits of HR leaning into e-learningEver since March 2020, we've been looking at what sets best performing businesses apart from the also-rans. The big revelation is that businesses that lean deeply into digitalisation and whose HR professionals play a key role in integrating digital fluency across departments have a competitive edge.
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GIBS South Africa's Economic Outlook Conference: Charting the Road to Recovery hosted by Prof SavilleWhat is South Africa's economic outlook for 2021 and beyond?

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NPA internship programme targeting young law graduatesThe National Prosecution Authority (NPA) hosted a virtual public webinar this week to raise awareness about an internship programme targeting young law graduates and people aspired to follow a career in prosecutions and contribute to serving justice for victims of crime.
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