Cheeba Cannabis Academy in Plettenberg Bay
Cheeba Cannabis Academy in Plettenberg Bay</span>Following the successful expansion of Cheeba Cannabis Academy's online offering to its first in-person learning campus in the Vaal Triangle in February this year, Cheeba Africa has announced the opening of its second campus situated in the Garden Route of the Western Cape.
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Songezo Basela is one of the Shoprite Group's Master Butchers. Source: Supplied
Songezo Basela is one of the Shoprite Group's Master Butchers. Source: Supplied</span>The Shoprite Group has launched an internationally-endorsed Master Meat Artisan Programme for its The Shoprite Group has launched an internationally-endorsed Master Meat Artisan Programme for its qualifying butchery managers, and will train its initial intake of 52 people to join the exclusive global club of Master Butchers.
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Stellensbosch University's first group of ISFAP graduates triumph through the pandemicThe Ikusasa Student Financial Aid Programme (ISFAP) is a non-profit foundation established as part of the response to the South African #feesmustfall movement of 2015. Aimed at the poor and missing middle (R0 - R600,000 p.a. household income), the programme funds the undergraduate studies of successful applicants on a full bursary. The programmes funded are driven by the Occupations of High Demand as defined by the Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET). The current partnership includes a total of 11 public universities.
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