CA(SA) trainee, Thokozani Mazibuko, speaks about how Thuthuka changed his life.
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CA(SA) trainee, Thokozani Mazibuko, speaks about how Thuthuka changed his life.
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CA(SA) trainee, Thokozani Mazibuko, speaks about how Thuthuka changed his life.
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Source: Retha Ferguson from [[ Pexels]]</span>The uptake of educational technology in South Africa's higher education sector has been highly uneven and very slow. Before the pandemic, most courses offered in South African universities had some form of Learning Management System presence. Students could access course guides and readings, upload their assignments, and possibly communicate with their lecturer and peers via forums. But beyond that, many academics seemed to resist making use of the technology, even though it could allow for greater engagement and interactive learning.
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Bradley Pulford, VP and managing director for HP Africa, discusses HP's leadership goals, how the company is bridging the gap between youth and education as well as the reasoning behind the Africa First Time Buyer campaign and how it came to be.
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Bradley Pulford, VP and managing director for HP Africa, discusses HP's leadership goals, how the company is bridging the gap between youth and education as well as the reasoning behind the Africa First Time Buyer campaign and how it came to be.
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Northlink College recently launched its first online talk show called "The Link Show", broadcasted live via the college's social media channels, Facebook and YouTube. The show launched in collaboration with Nickay Productions and was broadcast and streamed live every Thursday at midday during August. This provided Northlink with the opportunity to utilise this platform to celebrate TVET Month as per the Department of Higher Education and Training's (DHET) annual calendar.
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- The role of education in closing South Africa’s digital skills gapJuly 17, 2024 - 10:57 am
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