Cyril Ramaphosa Education Trust BackaBuddy campaign raises funds to keep students in classroomsThe Cyril Ramaphosa Education Trust's (CRET) alumni are giving back and paying it forward with an initiative of their own, supporting deserving students just like they were once supported. Now in established careers as a result of the bursary and development support they received from CRET, the alumni have established their own CRET Alumni Fund. They have contributed and leveraged funding to support three students in university already. Now they have launched a crowdfunding initiative through BackaBuddy to boost the Alumni Fund and to support more students in need.
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New programme seeks to strengthen climate change journalismThe World Association of News Publishers (Wan-Ifra) and Temasek Foundation have launched a new programme to strengthen climate change journalism.
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New programme seeks to strengthen climate change journalismThe World Association of News Publishers (Wan-Ifra) and Temasek Foundation have launched a new programme to strengthen climate change journalism.
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Source: Katerina Holmes from
Source: Katerina Holmes from [[ Pexels]]</span>The role of teachers has always been pivotal to the success of our children and our nation's growth and prosperity.
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Innovation Edge calls for funding applications for edtech solutionsSouth African innovation catalyst and investment platform, Innovation Edge, has launched a new call for funding applications. They are looking for early-stage entrepreneurs and startups with innovative edtech ventures with a focus on early learning for children under the age of 6.
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Source: HONGQI ZHANG – [[]]</span>While announcing an extension to the deadline of applications for the second phase of education assistant posts, the Department of Basic Education has introduced an alternative avenue for applicants to submit their applications.
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