Maximise your training spend - Develop leaders who lead from the front!Traditional leadership development programmes will be inadequate to prepare leaders to lead the workforce of the future as the leadership skills and styles required for the future world-of-work are changing.
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Maximise your training spend - Develop leaders who lead from the front!Traditional leadership development programmes will be inadequate to prepare leaders to lead the workforce of the future as the leadership skills and styles required for the future world-of-work are changing.
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Source: © michaeljung -
Source: © michaeljung - [[]]</span>Unemployment is the greatest struggle South Africa's youth face today. Youth unemployment (15-34 years) hit a record high this year on the back of the pandemic and resulting economic slump, reaching a staggering 46.3% in Q1 2021, according to Stats SA. With nearly half of young people unemployed and looking for work, change is clearly needed. And education holds the key.
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