Second Engen maths and science school opens in Cape TownA second Engen Maths and Science School (EMSS) has opened in Cape Town, pushing the total number of Engen backed schools to 10 across South Africa. Based at Manzomthomobo Secondary School in Mfuleni, it joins the EMSS based out of CPUT as the second school in the Mother City that offers free supplementary maths, science and English tuition to underprivileged grade 10-12 learners.
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Source: Getty
Source: Getty</span>The Cape Skills and Employment Accelerator has launched in Cape Town, designed to create employment opportunities for youth and women in the city's clothing and textile sector over the next three years.
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EI Africa launches young members’ network

UCT graduates remain among the world's most employable, ranking system findsGraduates of the University of Cape Town (UCT) remain among the world's most employable, according to the 2022 Quacquarelli Symonds (QS) Graduate Employability Rankings. UCT placed 95th in this year's rankings, which covered 550 institutions.
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UCT graduates remain among the world's most employable, ranking system findsGraduates of the University of Cape Town (UCT) remain among the world's most employable, according to the 2022 Quacquarelli Symonds (QS) Graduate Employability Rankings. UCT placed 95th in this year's rankings, which covered 550 institutions.
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EI Africa Capacity Building moves to East Africa

Phase 2 opens for education assistant applicationsGovernment, through its Basic Education Employment Initiative (BEEI), has called on unemployed youth to apply for the second phase of education assistants posts, which open today and close on 3 October 2021.
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What's your hug worth? - The power of physical touchPhysical touch is an essential experience in the lives of all human beings.
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Pirate protects marine life from plastic in new Captain Fanplastic audiobookIn celebration of this year's International Coastal Clean-up Day (18 September), Captain Fanplastic, in partnership with the Two Oceans Aquarium Education Foundation, launched its first pirate songs and audiobook - The Legend of Captain Fanplastic - at the Two Oceans Aquarium during Captain Fanplastic's Sounds for the Ocean event.
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The Knowledge Trust to host Education and Career Expo on WhatsAppThe global pandemic has disrupted all aspects of life, and across the world, people have relied heavily and ever-increasingly on technology and digital tools to strive for continuity in education, work, and relationships.

However, in South Africa, many children and youth cannot afford the latest laptops and reliable internet connection they need to pivot effectively to online school or progress in their tertiary education and early career development.
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