Forge Academy hunts for talent with new internship programmeForge Academy, an artificial intelligence (AI) laboratory, is offering 33 interns the opportunity to grow their digital skillsets and gain experience in the 4IR disciplines of software development, user experience (UX) design, 3D graphics, game design and more.
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Source: Christina Morillo from
Source: Christina Morillo from [[ Pexels]]</span>Forge Academy is offering 33 interns the opportunity to grow their digital skillsets and gain valuable experience in the fourth industrial revolution (4IR) disciplines of software development, user experience (UX) design, 3D graphics, game design and much more.
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3 reasons youth should consider software developing as a careerAccording to Statistics SA, youth unemployment has hit a record high, with 64.4% of those aged 15 to 24 unemployed. As more and more jobs are becoming available in the tech space, it is vital to bridge the digital skills gap in South Africa to minimise the youth unemployment rate and improve the livelihoods of young people in the country.
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New careers take flight with CRETThere is exciting fresh talent taking to the skies as five newly qualified drone pilots celebrate at a graduation ceremony hosted by The Academy of Aviation and Cyril Ramaphosa Education Trust (CRET). All five students are beneficiaries of education funding from CRET.
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Source: Katerina Holmes –
Source: Katerina Holmes – [[]]</span>To coincide with the unveiling of its new branding today, Oxford University Press in South Africa also announced the launch of Oxford EduZone, its flagship digital platform designed to enable on- and offline digital learning in educational institutions.
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Cameroon: Education organisations’ joint project for democracy and union renewal
Child labour
Child labour