Advancing gender equality in the workplace: African Universities Gender Equality Forum - Register now!This Women's Month, the Shared Value Africa Initiative (SVAI) together with the GBV #ITSNOTOK movement and the University of Johannesburg are co-hosting the African Universities Gender Equality Forum to address and explore the role of academia on the Africa continent in advancing gender equality and eradicating gender-based violence (GBV).
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Stellenbosch University prioritises climate crisis with launch of School for Climate StudiesStellenbosch University (SU) launched its School for Climate Studies on Thursday, 29 July - the first school of its kind in the country that has the status of a faculty, highlighting the impetus of its establishment in battling the climate crisis.
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Senegal: SUDES/ESR and Higher Education Unions in Africa Defend Academic Freedom
Ghana: UTAG declares industrial action over stalled negotiations

The difference between blended and online learningThe world is evolving, and so is the way education is delivered. The past year has exposed us to different ways of learning, engaging, and collaborating. Traditionally, we studied face-to-face, then online, and now the combination of online and face-to-face learning, known as blended learning.
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DBE sets record straight on teachers who are not vaccinatedThe Department of Basic Education (DBE) has disputed misleading reports and misinformation regarding the circular it distributed last week on educators who are not vaccinated.
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MasterStart, Cambridge Spark collaboration unlocks online AI training for AfricansStudents across the African continent will be able to access to data analysis and AI training courses online, thanks to a new partnership between South African edtech MasterStart and UK-based Cambridge Spark, announced today.
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Music education can aid skills development for the future workplaceMusic education in schools could equip learners with the skills they will need in the 21st century workplace, a new study conducted by Stellenbosch University (SU) has revealed.
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New learning platform to assist young Africans to reach their full potentialFull Potential has officially launched its online learning platform, which aims to develop one million young African leaders by 2025. Mabore Sithole, an established human resource professional and the founder of Full Potential, created the virtual development centre as one of the services to help organisations cultivate the remarkable potential of their employees and leadership teams.
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