Take your brand and business marketing to the next levelUnlike other channels, Press Office newsrooms on Bizcommunity are an owned asset for brands, the place where PR or brand communications teams can communicate whatever, however and whenever they want.
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Students seeking university placement urged to use CACHHigher Education and Training Minister Blade Nzimande has appealed to students who applied on time for a place at all public institutions but not offered a place to study, to contact the Central Application Clearing House (CACH) for help.
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Comparing the cost of online schoolingIn response to the Covid-19 pandemic, many South African schools now offer the option of online learning, raising the question of what education may look like in the new normal. Could this be the safe, affordable option for parents looking to secure a quality education for their children?
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Comparing the cost of online schoolingIn response to the Covid-19 pandemic, many South African schools now offer the option of online learning, raising the question of what education may look like in the new normal. Could this be the safe, affordable option for parents looking to secure a quality education for their children?
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NWU in top 100 of Emerging Economies University RankingThe North-West University (NWU) has once again made its mark in the international rankings with a top 100 placing ? and overall sixth place in South Africa ? in the Emerging Economies University Ranking of Times Higher Education (THE).
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Invest in knowledge in 2021Most people spend their lives collecting, spending and worrying about money - so much, in fact, that they 'don't have time' to learn something new.
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Higher Education, universities reach fee compactHigher Education and Training Minister, Dr Blade Nzimande, says the department and universities have reached another fee compact to ensure fee increases for the 2021 academic year are kept at affordable levels.
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Education takes time - but we must act now to safeguard the future of educationFormer president Nelson Mandela once said: "Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world."
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NSFAS Bursary Guidelines to be finalised next weekThe National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS) Bursary Guidelines for university students will be finalised within the course of next week and released to institutions as soon as possible.
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ChairClub and Adopt-a-School Foundation donate 100 school chairsWednesday the 3rd of March, Diepsloot Combined School foundation phase learners were pleased to receive 100 school chairs from the Buy One Give One Campaign. The campaign is an exciting partnership between Adopt-a-School Foundation and Rosebank based ChairClub, a Proudly South African manufacturer of world-class office seating.
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