ECD clauses in Children's Amendment Bill rejectedThe Portfolio Committee on Social Development has rejected the clauses which provide for Early Childhood Development (ECD) in the Children's Amendment Bill.
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Online learning is an opportunity to meet the needs of struggling studentsAs many have observed, the Covid-19 pandemic has laid bare many challenges that students face at school and higher education institutions. In South Africa, these relate particularly to inequalities arising from students' diverse socioeconomic backgrounds. These inequalities account for the learning barriers and inability to learn effectively.
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International Women’s Day 2021
International Women’s Day 2021
Attacks from armed groups against schools and students have been increasing in the last months in Nigeria, where kidnapping for ransom is a widespread criminal enterprise. Nigerian authorities must act swiftly to protect the right to education of children, especially girls.
Attacks from armed groups against schools and students have been increasing in the last months in Nigeria, where kidnapping for ransom is a widespread criminal enterprise. Nigerian authorities must act swiftly to protect the right to education of children, especially girls.

Register for free business-to-business webinar, 24 March 2021Bizcommunity is proud to announce a media partnership with Success by Design in their forthcoming free webinar, titled 'B2B in Africa for Africa', taking place on Wednesday, 24 March 2021 at 12-12.40pm.
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Beware: Conditions are ideal for an outbreak of Rift Valley FeverThe good rains that have fallen over the last month in many areas of South Africa have caused ideal conditions for an outbreak of Rift Valley Fever (RVF).
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Engagement, inquiry and community: What are Gen Zs looking for in learning?"Speak to the youth and you will see your future." Is this a quote? If not, it should be.
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During its virtual meeting from 23-25 February, the Education International Africa Regional Committee (EIARC) urged regional governments to act swiftly to ensure decent living and working conditions for educators. Proactive measures were needed to guarantee quality education on the continent in the face of challenges including the pandemic, terrorism, and natural disasters.