Martijn Slager joins Henley Africa as head of salesMartijn Slager is passionate about making a difference in people's lives. A marketer and salesperson in a career that spans both FMCG and higher education across countries and two continents, he wants to sell the concept of lifelong learning.
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'All is well' - remain positive and embrace change in times of uncertaintyDeteriorating mental health throughout the world is being showcased in social media, as people struggle to cope with danger and uncertainty.
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Didn't get into university? There are other options...The long-awaited 2020 matric results are out, with 36.4% (210,820 students) receiving admission to degree studies and 26% (150,402 students) receiving Diploma passes. However, the public universities are overwhelmed with applications for first-year places and are unable to meet the demand from prospective students.
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The exceedingly rapid enhancement of music educationMusic has always been such an incredible asset and wild form of entertainment. Over the years, we have seen an incredible amount of attention to detail and overall emphasis surrounding the ongoing evolutionary prowess of music and all that it brings to the world and creates, often so beautifully and excitingly. And looking back throughout the yeast, it is more than fair to say that each and every evolution of music has its importance, its value and its role in how music has been able to evolve and grow over the decades. There has always been a steadfast dedication to the powerful swells of music. Setting the undertones for entire eras, quiet moments, films and television series and experiences, music is the overwhelmingly magnificent soundtrack to how we experience, explore and navigate the world around us. And this is just the start of that soundtrack.
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2020 matric results releasedThe National Senior Certificate (NSC) pass rate stands at 76.2%, announced Basic Education Minister, Angie Motshekga, yesterday.
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Online learning: Fundamentally part of the 21st century digital eraAs the Covid-19 pandemic swept across the globe forcing governments to implement lockdowns and self-isolation for months on end to contain the spread of the virus, this subsequently led to cessation of face-to-face classroom interactions as we knew it. Online learning has become the 'new normal', but how can both learners and instructors make a success of it?
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D&AD Shift partners with Google to help secure jobs for diverse creative talentEducation charity D&AD and Google today announce a new partnership that aims to uncover, support and help secure jobs for diverse creative talent. Together they will expand Shift, D&AD's free industry-led night school for self-made, non-university educated creators running for the past five years. The new partnership commences with the launch of this year's D&AD Shift with Google in London, a programme which will include briefs set by leading global brands.
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Four directions for the modern graduate to consider in the digital marketing spaceAt the beginning of every year there are a new generation of school-leavers and graduates trying to make an important choice that will determine their futures, which career path to follow and how to get there.
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Parents shut down high schools, demanding places for their childrenOn Monday, parents shut down Bloekombos and Masibambane high schools in Kraaifontein, demanding that their children be accepted. Parents sat next to their unplaced learners outside the school gates.
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Professor Daniel Petzer joints Henley Business School Africa as new head of researchDaniel Petzer is the new head of research at Henley Business School Africa. He has been awarded a full professorship in this role, by the University of Reading, UK. The 49-year-old career academic joined the award-winning business school at the beginning of January 2021, after a highly successful tenure at the University of Pretoria's Gordon Institute of Business Science where he had been professor of marketing, director of research and ultimately deputy dean of the business school.
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