Shoprite competition to pay school fees for 500 studentsFive hundred learners stand the chance of having their 2021 school fees paid for in Shoprite's annual 'Class Of' competition - now open for entry.
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5 Futurebanker bursaries available for BBA degreeThe 2021 Futurebanker bursary programme has been launched by the Facilitation Workshop and comprises five bursaries for the Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) degree. The programme has been designed to support South Africa's next generation of bankers and wealth creators, with an aim to opening up new career possibilities in the fintech space.
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How blockchain could help the world meet the UN's global goals in higher educationImproving quality of life for people globally means investing in education. By 2025, more than 100 million learners are estimated to be capable of higher education but won't have access to it either because they cannot afford the costs, or because courses aren't available in their region.
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#BizTrends2021: 4 trends in employee skills development and training you need to know for 2021Everything changed in 2020. Seemingly overnight, companies were forced to abandon their offices, and their staff had to adapt to the challenges of working from home. More unfortunate were those whose jobs were wiped out as their companies downsized or shut down entirely.
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Universities to re-open between March and AprilHigher education is the latest sector to delay its re-opening dates with 16 universities still finalising their academic year.
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Universities to re-open between March and AprilHigher education is the latest sector to delay its re-opening dates with 16 universities still finalising their academic year.
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Why online learning should be prioritised as a primary method of educationOnline learning should be prioritised as the primary method of learning in the country following the postponement of the reopening of schools, says distance educator Brainline. With schools now scheduled to open on 15 February, two weeks later than the initially expected, Brainline CEO, Coleen Cronje says thousands of learners may suffer an academic set back due to a loss of precious educational time.
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Why online learning should be prioritised as a primary method of educationOnline learning should be prioritised as the primary method of learning in the country following the postponement of the reopening of schools, says distance educator Brainline. With schools now scheduled to open on 15 February, two weeks later than the initially expected, Brainline CEO, Coleen Cronje says thousands of learners may suffer an academic set back due to a loss of precious educational time.
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Revised 2021 academic calendar: Schools only set to open mid-FebruaryThe Deputy Minister of Basic Education, Dr Reginah Mhaule this morning announced the revised dates for the opening of public and private schools for the 2021 academic year.
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In the past, South African students have been largely restricted to local curricula and qualifications via traditional, brick-and-mortar schools. With the growth of online schools, access to international curricula is not only in higher demand, but is becoming increasingly easier to access. With some lockdown restrictions likely to still be in place, back-to-school will take on an entirely new meaning as we head into 2021.
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