FingerspellingFingerspelling is the way letters of the alphabet are shown in signed languages. It is commonly used to supplement a signed language, which is visual in nature. There are three main types of fingerspelling used in South African Sign Language (SASL): initialised, lexicalised, and neutral fingerspelling.
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A historic engagementFalse Bay TVET College hosted the Nama Royal House, HRH Queen Rebecca Como and commissioners from the indigenous Khoi-San tribe for a partnership networking session at False Bay TVET College (FBC) Central Office Conference Venue.
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Image source: rawpixel –
Image source: rawpixel – [[]]</span>'Social learning' is defined by learning design specialist, Katherine Fourie, as the process where changes occur in our knowledge, skills, values, attitudes, behaviours and/or world views, as a result of our relation to or interaction with others.
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Empowering and educating the deaf community for employmenteDeaf is making room for the deaf community by striving to improve their social and economic lives through a variety of empowerment and skills development programmes.
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Image source: Andor Bujdoso –
Image source: Andor Bujdoso – [[]]</span>As workplace requirements have changed, so further education options have expanded to meet these needs. Candidates with specific information technology-related skillsets are in high demand, and fortunately, an education expert says many of these skillsets can be developed in a relatively short period of time, even without a previous IT background.
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Tharisa Minerals visits Enterprises UP to explore their mining-related servicesEnterprises University of Pretoria (Enterprises UP) undertakes a wide range of research and training initiatives on a continuous basis to support the University of Pretoria's drive to remain a leading research-intensive institute. Tharisa Minerals recently visited Enterprises UP, which provided an opportunity for the two parties to discuss collaboration around Enterprises UP and the University of Pretoria's (UP) research and training capabilities.
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EI Africa Capacity Building moves to Central and West Africa
EI Africa Capacity Building moves to Central and West Africa

Reasons you should enrol for a workshopWe live in a rapidly changing world where new skills and knowledge are constantly required to work effectively, efficiently, and smartly. This has never been more apparent than when the pandemic drastically changed how we work; rapid changes were made to traditional workplaces, employees and employers were suddenly faced with the new challenges of remote work, and meetings and the increased workload and responsibilities made workplace training even more essential. However, the amount of time in a day remains constant, and it sometimes seems like training is too inconvenient and time-consuming.
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Enterprises UP positions its future-fitness in the latest Business Unusual magazineThe third issue of Business Unusual magazine was released, providing detailed insight into the African and global trade environments.
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