#BizTrends2021: Finding solutions to the complexities of 21st century youth unemploymentThere are many factors affecting the global youth unemployment crisis. Tackling the situation starts with offering equal access to quality education, understanding the barriers to skills development, practising new ways of teaching, as well as creating more economic opportunities for those not in employment, education or training (NEETs).
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#BizTrends2021: Finding solutions to the complexities of 21st century youth unemploymentThere are many factors affecting the global youth unemployment crisis. Tackling the situation starts with offering equal access to quality education, understanding the barriers to skills development, practising new ways of teaching, as well as creating more economic opportunities for those not in employment, education or training (NEETs).
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#BizTrends2021: Finding solutions to the complexities of 21st century youth unemploymentThere are many factors affecting the global youth unemployment crisis. Tackling the situation starts with offering equal access to quality education, understanding the barriers to skills development, practising new ways of teaching, as well as creating more economic opportunities for those not in employment, education or training (NEETs).
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Why women mentoring women is critical for empowering underprivileged girls in AfricaThe well-known Africa proverb goes, "If you educate a man, you educate an individual, but if you educate a woman you educate a nation." This is further substantiated by the fact that women typically invest up to 90% of their income compared to men (40%), back into their families on education and health which not only benefits communities, but can transform societies. Societies where women are educated and with a higher rate of female participation in the workforce see more economic progress.
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Africa Teen Geeks launches free coding and robotics holiday programme for kidsThe year 2020 was a very challenging year for all industries, the education sector was not exonerated from the devastating impact of the global pandemic, Covid 19. Since the declaration of national disaster in March 2020, the need for new ways of teaching and learning became eminent with technology being the critical requirement and enabler of teaching and learning in an environment that discourages physical contact.
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Outdoor education at universities can be a positive legacy of Covid-19Universities have faced major planning challenges due to Covid-19. While there has been significant media coverage about universities offering students online learning, what has been less discussed is how some activities have continued in face-to-face settings.
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UKZN suspends 2021 reopening due to Covid-19 second waveThe University of KwaZulu-Natal (UKZN) has announced that it will be postponing the reopening of its campuses on the 4 January 2021 in the best interests of the university community and their families following the recent presidential address.
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How SA can help grow artisan-based businessesSupporting small, micro and medium enterprises (SMMEs) is key to economic growth and recovery but SMMEs in South Africa lag far behind their international counterparts when it comes to job creation.
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Death of Professor Yusuf KarodiaIt is with a profound sense of loss and sadness that we inform you of the death of our founder, Professor Yusuf Karodia.
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Gauteng opens late online registration for grade 1 and 8 learnersThe Gauteng Department of Education on 22 December announced the opening of online late registration admissions for grade 1 and 8 learners.
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