Online learning...the new normalIs face-to-face teaching becoming a thing of the past? The profession of teaching and the art of learning techniques is evolving. Computer-based learning is taking over and is allowing students the opportunity to grasp comprehensive content provided by an online interface. Regardless of how people feel about tech taking over the classroom, it is a learning development that cannot be avoided any longer. The convenience of completing your courses from the comfort of the environment of your choice could make the learning experience conducive and enticing. However, online learning has its pros and cons in the South African context.
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Foonda connects students to scholarships, bursariesFoonda Technology Solutions has launched a digital platform that aims to match eligible students with tertiary scholarships, bursaries, learnerships and other sponsorship opportunities from across the globe.
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Gibs Ethics Barometer measuring performance, building trust and driving successThe Gibs Ethics Barometer is positioned at the intersection of academia and action. It combines a commitment to independent, rigorous research with a clear focus on achieving impact and making a practical contribution. Building on Gibs' reputation as the 'business school of business', the Ethics Barometer aims to deliver benefits on both a micro and macro level - to individual companies as well as to the broader business community.
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UCT Graduate School of Business is number 1 in South AfricaLatest ranking of customised programmes from the Financial Times shows the University Cape Town Graduate School of Business is leading in South Africa.
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The four Moroccan affiliates of Education International have met with the Ministry of Education to highlight ways to ensure quality education and a safe return to class in the midst of the COVID-19 epidemic.

How to maintain a positive homeschooling environmentSouth African families are going through tremendously challenging times as most continue to stay at home during the country's extended lockdown. While it is not yet clear when schools will start to re-open, thousands upon thousands of learners are working hard to stay on top of their educational journeys, while those parents who can do so are still working from home.
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How to maintain a positive homeschooling environmentSouth African families are going through tremendously challenging times as most continue to stay at home during the country's extended lockdown. While it is not yet clear when schools will start to re-open, thousands upon thousands of learners are working hard to stay on top of their educational journeys, while those parents who can do so are still working from home.
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#KagisoRadioTeachers campaign takes teaching to the airwavesThe premature closure of schools due to the outbreak of Covid-19 in South Africa has resulted in both challenges and opportunities, with many learners missing out on large pieces of work especially in term two. In an effort to support rural learners without access to television classes, computers or data, Kagiso Trust has partnered with the Limpopo Department of Education to provide radio lessons to our Grade 12 learners. The scheduled lessons will commence via Capricorn FM radio from Monday, 11 May 2020.
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#KagisoRadioTeachers campaign takes teaching to the airwavesThe premature closure of schools due to the outbreak of Covid-19 in South Africa has resulted in both challenges and opportunities, with many learners missing out on large pieces of work especially in term two. In an effort to support rural learners without access to television classes, computers or data, Kagiso Trust has partnered with the Limpopo Department of Education to provide radio lessons to our Grade 12 learners. The scheduled lessons will commence via Capricorn FM radio from Monday, 11 May 2020.
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